Friday, January 4, 2013

UPDATE: Teachers need a Grover Norquist. and Tony at the Red Line Tap. « Fred Klonsky

Tony at the Red Line Tap. « Fred Klonsky:

Rumors fly. Quinn talking. Madigan is not.

Man. I go away for a couple of hours to the gym and come back to a load of emails and phone calls about developments in Springfield.
This morning I write that the IEA big-wigs think they can’t get a cost shift out of the General Assembly and this afternoon the Sun-Times reports that Snakey Quinn is announcing a deal with Madigan. Quinn is saying that he and Madigan could back off the cost shift and pass the rest of the pension deforms.
But Madigan isn’t talking.
And his people are only suggesting a deal could happen.
And Sneaky, er, Snakey Quinn really

The Klonsky Springfield update. Teachers need a Grover Norquist.

It looks like they are really putting the lame in lame duck session.
Nothing will happen. No marriage equality bill. No immigration bill. No gun bill. No Nekritz pension killer.
The State Senate adjourned yesterday without taking action on much of anything other than screwing some more state workers on a pension bill that would still need to be passed by the House.
The House will meet in a few days for a few days. But nothing is expected from them either.
A thousand of us jammed the Capitol yesterday. Mostly Illinois Federation of Teachers and Illinois Education 

Tony at the Red Line Tap.

“I heard that New Glarus Belgian Red is pretty good.”
Marty smile that killer smile of hers. “Just got some in Fred. Let me get you one. Bottle okay? Or do you need a glass?”
“Me? A glass? C’mon Marty!”
“You look a little droopy,” said Tony.
So, I explained that I had spent seven hours on a bus yesterday goin’ to the pension rally in Springfield. And the