Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Language and Lies Two-Step of Education: The Lie Module « Cooperative Catalyst

The Language and Lies Two-Step of Education: The Lie Module « Cooperative Catalyst:

The Language and Lies Two-Step of Education: The Lie Module

We the educated” are liars.
lie: (verb) (1) to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive (2) to create a false or misleading impression.
It’s not our fault” – we were led to believe from our earliest years that one must attend school to receive an education. We were led to believe “education” leads to success, eliminates poverty, equalizes the races and even more. We have no intent to deceive because education “worked” for us. We are only passing our belief on to our own and student-body children when we tell them education is:
  1. The path to achieving the American Dream;
  2. The path to