Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Suggestion to GOP: “It’s OK to Support Regular-Old Public Schools” | Scathing Purple Musings

Suggestion to GOP: “It’s OK to Support Regular-Old Public Schools” | Scathing Purple Musings:

Suggestion to GOP: “It’s OK to Support Regular-Old Public Schools”

The winds of change for the republican party and it’s mouthpieces have taken them to areas they’d never considered prior to getting shellacked by an incumbent with a poor record on the economy and one who clearly stood in opposition to many traditional conservative values. Has support for public schools joined the list? According to influential Florida columnist, Matt Reed, it needs to. In a poignant critique of current republican leaders titled, Hey, GOPDon’t Insult My Mom, Reed suggests this to republican power brokers in Florida Today:
It’s OK to support regular-old public schools.
The vast majority of Americans attended public schools and have sent their children to neighborhood campuses. They thank public schools for their livelihoods. They see them as gateways to opportunity for kids with disintegrating families. They judge their home values by the