Sunday, January 13, 2013

UPDATE: Schools Matter: Segregated Schools, Upper West Side Style

Schools Matter: Segregated Schools, Upper West Side Style:

Segregated Schools, Upper West Side Style

U. S. schools have been using standardized tests now for a hundred years to sort and segregate by race and class.  How long can it continue?  

Published: January 12, 2013

A Major Gap in Gifted Programs

The city started using tests as the main determinant of entry to gifted programs in 2008. Since 2009, the number of schools offering such classes has fallen, especially in minority areas of the city like central Brooklyn, southeast Queens and the Bronx. Related Article »

Gun Violence Solution: Improve Mental Health Services for NRA Officials

As I watched the Sunday morning blatherers on the networks this morning, it became clear that the preferred solution by those who want to avoid the problem of gun violence is to give lip service to mental health improvement while continuing to allow the impeded flow of guns, ammo, and hate.

If 6,000 white male children and young adults were being murdered every year in the U. S, as is the case among African-American males, do you think we would see any hesitation in taking serious actions to restrict the availability of guns?  

Meanwhile, the NRA chiefs and the corporate gun lobby keep pushing for more guns.  Who needs their heads examined here?