Sunday, January 27, 2013

School Tech Connect: In Which I Refer To Vomit

School Tech Connect: In Which I Refer To Vomit:

In Which I Refer To Vomit

I've been working the phones for my local school organization and not paying much attention to other issues, but I see that my friends have been flagging this astonishing post from Greg Hinz about the private pipeline Juan Rangel has to Illinois taxpayer money.

I only just now read the whole thing, and I narrowly avoided vomiting directly onto the keyboard.

Juan Rangel is behaving as a politically connected magnate is expected to behave, so I really have nothing to say about that--- other than that I did in fact spend a few days at one of his schools and it was really just shmeh.

But Heather Steans stinks to high heaven.

And then go all the way to page 52 of the 89-page amendment, to Section 110, and you'll see a 

Pedagogy of Puppyhood

How you doin'? Huh?

Evidently I've missed out on half the viral videos from the past few years, including the one below, which 2.5m people have seen.

I just want to point out that while this is a dog video, it's also an ed reform video. I'm so sick of ed reform and all of the gas being expelled in conversations about teacher evaluation.

If you want to know what good teaching looks like, just watch this dog in action. She knows how to teach,