Saturday, January 19, 2013

Saturday coffee. « Fred Klonsky

Saturday coffee. « Fred Klonsky:

Saturday coffee.

Illinois State Senate Impeaches Rod Blagojevich
Since it is Martin Luther King’s birthday celebration weekend, it is an appropriate time to consider issues of law and morality, justice and decency.
Yesterday I posted a satirical piece about former Federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald and Governor “Squeezy” Quinn. I accused Quinn of pension theft.
This did not go over well with Chris Montoya who wrote, “Fitzgerald and Quinn are friends. Your post represents a delusional conspiracy, and it libels the first honest gov Illinois has had in a long time. Find a real villain, Fred.”
Aside from the fact that Chris did not appreciate (or perhaps get) my sense of humor, as I drank my coffee this morning, it got me thinking about the issue of honesty and villainy.
Chris is correct that Squeezy and Fitzgerald are friends. Some have suggested that Squeezy functioned as a

The inbox. The three warriors!

January 3 and 4 We Are One held a pension rally in Springfield. At least 3000 people attended on January 3 and 4. Speakers from Illinois AFL-CIO, IFT, IEA, Illinois Police Benevolent and Protective Association AFSCME, Illinois Nurses Association, and SEIU encouraged the crowd in the rotunda to make our voices heard to legislators. Some legislators watched from the rail.
Again no press coverage. What happened to the Fourth Estate which Edmund Burke felt was more important than all the others? Where is balanced journalism? If we cannot count on the media to get our message across, it is vital that we do so ourselves to our friends, neighbors, family, and legislators. See our website: for pictures. Also, check the website for contact information for key legislators or call or email me at
Nekritz and Biss have promised to bring up the pension issue and their ill-conceived proposal again in the new legislature and in the spring session. The battle has been won for a while, but the