Monday, January 7, 2013

Rhee, Klein Now Giving Grades Out to States on Education Policy | Scathing Purple Musings

Rhee, Klein Now Giving Grades Out to States on Education Policy | Scathing Purple Musings:

Rhee, Klein Now Giving Grades Out to States on Education Policy

So Joel Klein has jumped on the Michelle Rhee bandwagon as a board member of StudentsFirst. How fitting that two former big city education city school chiefs – both with dubious records presume to give grades out to all 50 states. Here’s a bit from their CNN piece today:
CNN) – It’s hard to watch Robert Griffin III play football and not think about education policy.
RG3, as fans call him, is a rookie who has been playing in the National Football League for all of 18 weeks, but led the Washington Redskins to twice as many victories as they had last year, their first winning season since 2007 and their first divisional championship in 13 years. Now imagine if the Redskins had a little less money to pay salaries next year and cut Griffin from the team,