Sunday, January 13, 2013

Peg with Pen: Teachers Boycott the MAP: Who Should be in Charge of Formative Assessment?

Peg with Pen: Teachers Boycott the MAP: Who Should be in Charge of Formative Assessment?:

Teachers Boycott the MAP: Who Should be in Charge of Formative Assessment?

Occupy the Dept. of Ed. in D.C. April 4-7, 2013

Earlier this year I opted my son out of the MAP test to demonstrate my respect for his teachers who already know how to assess my son’s growth as a learner.

I am now watching brave teachers in Washington at Garfield High School and Ballard High School refuse to administer the MAP.  They state many reasons for the rejection of this test, but one particular line in the Garfield statement caught my eye – and it is this particular narrative that I find intentionally missing from the debate of high stakes testing.

They state:  We want to be able to identify student growth and determine if our practice supports student learning.

I’d like to take this statement a step further and state the obvious to