Wednesday, January 2, 2013

NYC Educator: Geniuses at Work

NYC Educator: Geniuses at Work:

Geniuses at Work

One of the reasons I voted for President Obama in 2008 was his promise to end the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy. At first, he ignored that promise. Later he made a deal and extended them. He's finally changed that, to an extent, and has protected people who've made up to 450K per year. Apparently, they cannot pay any more or they will move to Australia.

However, President Obama neglected to extend cuts to the payroll tax, and that effectively cuts the income of working people by 2%, immediately. For me, not having had a raise in four years, that's a tough pill to swallow. Apparently people who actually have to work for a living were not a priority for this President or this Congress.

Even worse for those of us who were devastated by