Tuesday, January 22, 2013

UPDATE: The inbox + No university affiliation. « Fred Klonsky

No university affiliation. « Fred Klonsky:

Make me a wedge issue.

We had the family over for bagels yesterday morning during the inauguration.  I had it streaming with the sound off. It may have been the best way to to watch it.
Although it meant we missed George Stephanopoulos thinking Bill Russell was Morgan Freeman.
Well. You know.
It meant I had to read Obama’s speech later.
Oh. Did I mention that Anne and I consider Al Green’s Let’s Stay Together our song. Whatever “our song” 

No university affiliation.

0808leadingtheway02NEA President Dennis Van Roekel.
A year or so ago I received an email from a group of university professors who had drafted a statement critical of the dominant education reform agenda.
I was asked to sign it and include my university affiliation.
Of course, I agreed with the statement. I sent back my name. In place of my university affiliation (having none) I wrote, “K-5 art teacher, Carpenter Elementary School.”
I received a follow-up email from the group telling me that while they appreciated my support, since I had no

The inbox. llinois Revenue and Debt Reform, Not Pension Reform!

Many Illinois legislators want to challenge both Illinois and U.S. Constitutions instead of addressing the causes of the state’s budget deficits.
llinois public employees have earned their pension. Their pension is a constitutionally-guaranteed contract. 
That’s why I created a petition to The Illinois State House, The Illinois State Senate, and Governor Pat Quinn, which says: “Illinois has a pension debt and revenue problem. Most legislators know this, and they also understand the concept