Tuesday, January 29, 2013

National Day of Action to Support Seattle MAP test Boycott: « Seattle Education

National Day of Action to Support Seattle MAP test Boycott: « Seattle Education:

National Day of Action to Support Seattle MAP test Boycott:

action alert
National Day of Action to Support Seattle MAP test Boycott
“We demand quality assessment!”
Wear Red on Wed for Ed! Scrap the MAP!
What: The City-wide Scrap the MAP Organizing Committee is calling on Educators, Students, Parents and supporters of Public Education nation-wide to take action in support of Garfield High School teachers and all teachers in Seattle Public Schoolsrefusing to administer the MAP test.
Teachers at Garfield High School and other Seattle Public Schools have gained national attention and support for their stand against the Measure of Academic Progress, for its invalidity, waste of time and resources and its scandalous arrival to Seattle. We call on supporters of public education nationwide to participate in actions in their locale to show their support for our effort to Scrap the MAP. Supporters will hold meetings, rallies and wear red to show support on February 6th. Scrap the MAP!
As the nation-wide day of protest grows, we will send updates to the media with all the cities and organizations who are participating.
When: Wednesday, February 6th, 2013
Where: All over the nation! In Seattle action will take place at participating schools, including Garfield, Orca, Chief Sealth, and Center School.
Some of the prominent organizations and individuals that have expressed their support for the Seattle MAP test boycott: National Education Association (NEA) President Dennis Van Roekel, American Federation of Teachers (AFT), San Diego Education Association, UTLA board of directors, Parents Across America Des Moines, Iowa Education Association, Diane Ravitch, Garfield High School PTSA, Garfield HS Associated Student Body, Dr. Wayne Au, Dexter Tang, President of Seattle Student Senate, Matt Damon & his mother Dr. Nancy Carlsson-Paige, Seattle Education Association (SEA), The SEA Substitute Association, Social Equality Educators (SEE).
For more info, visit: