How Much Will Common Core Cost Missouri School Districts?
The question on how much CCSS will cost school districts might just be the $64,000 question. In all reality, the bill will probably be in the $350 Million range (at the least) as districts have to comply with infrastructure, assessment, training and curricula mandates.
This is not new information on cost nor is it set in stone. In fact, the bill to school districts will become much higher if the science and social studies standards (now being crafted) are adopted. Don't forget theArt Common Core standards that may be imposed on districts as well! The idea of creativity in the art room would go against the idea of common educational delivery and product.
Reality is setting in for some folks, however, and it is coming as quite a shock. California (in the same consortia as Missouri) is more upfront on state/district costs than Missouri DESE has been. Since we are
This is not new information on cost nor is it set in stone. In fact, the bill to school districts will become much higher if the science and social studies standards (now being crafted) are adopted. Don't forget theArt Common Core standards that may be imposed on districts as well! The idea of creativity in the art room would go against the idea of common educational delivery and product.
Reality is setting in for some folks, however, and it is coming as quite a shock. California (in the same consortia as Missouri) is more upfront on state/district costs than Missouri DESE has been. Since we are