Sunday, January 20, 2013

Mike Rose on Cognition! « Deborah Meier on Education

Mike Rose on Cognition! « Deborah Meier on Education:

Mike Rose on Cognition!

Before I forget. Once again Mike Rose opens my eyes and clears my mind of the nonsense that accumulates when I’m not looking!
“Giving Cognition a Bad Name”, Education Week, January 16, 2013–back cover!
he false distinction between “affect” and “cognitive”–”character” vs “academics” and on and on is more than foolish. It’s dangerous. Above all to those we’ve too long cheated in our schools under the name of “care” and “love” and “the whole child.” Strong character–feistiness, grit, or whatever the latest fad word may be–is not mindless. And if it is, mindless grit is not a virtue.
Children come out of the womb with minds – and they are working hard every day filling that mind with thoughts,