Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Jersey Jazzman: This Blog Is Subsidized By Your Tax Dollars!

Jersey Jazzman: This Blog Is Subsidized By Your Tax Dollars!:

This Blog Is Subsidized By Your Tax Dollars!

It may not be there now, but Success Academies - Eva Moskowitz's famous cream-skimming charter network, beloved by reformies everywhere - has been putting ads up on this blog.

Eva's schools get their money from huge management fees collected from New York State, millions in grants made possible by tax preferences given for charitable contributions, sweetheart deals involving the use of public property, and, of course, the money that "follows the child" to the charter from the public schools.

All of these funds can be attributed either directly or indirectly to the taxpayer. And, apparently, the taxpayer has no problem paying me for advertising space on this blog so that Eva Moskowitz can recruit more teachers to her