Monday, January 21, 2013

Jersey Jazzman: National Research Council Should Investigate DC Cheating

Jersey Jazzman: National Research Council Should Investigate DC Cheating:

National Research Council Should Investigate DC Cheating

Last we checked in on Michelle Rhee, she had lawyered up in response to a request for documents related to the Washington, D.C. cheating scandal that unfolded on her watch. This request came from journalist John Merrow, who has conjectured that Rhee is in possession of a memo that shows, contrary to her claims, that she was well-aware of the potential for widespread cheating across the district.

At this point, it's quite clear that the cheating scandal has not been thoroughly investigated. But here's an interesting twist: there is already a national group charged with evaluating the progress of Washington D.C.'s schools, the National Research Council.
The committee on the Independent Evaluation of DC Public Schools issued its report, A Plan for Evaluating the District of Columbia’s Public Schools, in 2011.   ► More information about the report

The report outlined the structure for an ongoing program of independent and objective evaluation, 

Happy MLK Day!

What a day, huh? I've got problems with my president when it come to education polices, but I have to admit: an inaugural on MLK Day of the second term of our first African-American president? That gives me a lot of hope.

So, for today, something a little different: Dr. King tells a joke.


And a little of the great Mahalia:


I played that song at my Grandmother's funeral.

God bless you all.