Friday, January 11, 2013

Florida Lawmaker Proposes Amendment to Require Teacher Salaries Meet National Average | Scathing Purple Musings

Florida Lawmaker Proposes Amendment to Require Teacher Salaries Meet National Average | Scathing Purple Musings:

Florida Lawmaker Proposes Amendment to Require Teacher Salaries Meet National Average

From WTXL in Tallahassee:
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL)–Florida teachers pockets may be getting a little fatter by 2015.
Hoping to put that in the lawbooks..this upcoming legislative session.
Senator Joseph Abruzzo, (D) 25, Palm Beach, Florida proposed a constitutional amendment that would require teacher’s salaries to meet national salary levels.
Abruzzo’s amendment says the state will foot the bill for those higher salaries.
Currently Florida teacher’s average salary is more than $40,000, not quite the average but close.

Why is the Bush Foundation Against Federal Graduation Rankings?

They favor ranking everything else. From the Bush Foundation’s editorial producer, Mike Thomas:
The unfortunate consequence of No Child Left Behind is that some states dumbed down assessments to increase student passing rates.
Could a new federal formula used to rank high school graduation rates do the same for graduation requirements? Dumbing down graduation requirements, after all, would be the easiest way to raise a state’s ranking.
The U.S. Department of Education unveiled its new formula in November.
“By using this new measure, states will be more honest in holding schools accountable and