Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Education Reform: Teachers Have Always Been at the Forefront | VIVA Teachers

Education Reform: Teachers Have Always Been at the Forefront | VIVA Teachers:

Education Reform: Teachers Have Always Been at the Forefront

By Mary Cathryn Ricker
I was intrigued by Jay Mathews’ Washington Post column that proclaims “Teachers leaning in favor of reforms.” I do appreciate that he points out he has never once written about unions hindering reform, even if he back-hands the compliment withthat is not the same as saying the unions have worked hard to make all teachers more successful in the classroom.”
That is where I part very good company with him.
I appreciate the parsing of teacher’s feelings toward current education hot topics in the research he sites by Teach Plus and Education Sector. As the current president of my teacher’s union in St. Paul, Minnesota it is helpful to learn what