Wednesday, January 2, 2013

EDjango Unchained: The Coming Revolt against ‘No Excuses’ Schools | EduShyster

EDjango Unchained: The Coming Revolt against ‘No Excuses’ Schools | EduShyster:

EdJango Unchained: The Coming Revolt against ‘No Excuses’ Schools

An elementary student at a ‘no excuses’ school in Memphis.
For tens of thousands of black and brown students who attend what are billed as “college-prep” academies, today’s return to school begins as always: in straight, silent lines. For these students, more and more of them in our cities every day, school is now synonymous with discipline. While the specific systems of rewards and punishments vary from one urban charter school to another, the premise is the same. Poor minority children must be made to be compliant. Resistance is met with still more punishment until the lesson is finally learned: