Sunday, January 13, 2013

Ed Notes Online: Unity Hack Peter Goodman Compares MORE to Tea Party for Opposing Any Deal on Evaluation

Ed Notes Online: Unity Hack Peter Goodman Compares MORE to Tea Party for Opposing Any Deal on Evaluation:

Unity Hack Peter Goodman Compares MORE to Tea Party for Opposing Any Deal on Evaluation

The opposition party in the union will oppose any settlement... reminiscent of the Tea Party ---The union must satisfy the membership and the mayor the public at large –especially the print media and the pro-(de)reform factions, Democrats for Education Reform (DFER) and StudentsFirstNY, the Rhee klaven.... Peter Goodman
We DO NOT need to pander to Rhee, Students First or DFER. Our union's responsibility is to it's members --- MORE Classroom teacher, Pat Dobosz, MORE candidate for UFT Exec Bd, elementary division.
Here’s another Yogi Berra…it’s deja vu all over again. I love Unity apologists who work their spin to such a fever pitch the membership must be grateful for losing basic rights of tenure.  --- Jeff Kaufman, MORE candidate for UFT Executive Bd, At-large
Worse than Bloomberg comparing the UFT to the NRA, was this statement by Peter Goodman, long-time