Thursday, January 24, 2013

Ed Notes Online: MORE Pres Candidate Cavanagh in NY Times

Ed Notes Online: MORE Pres Candidate Cavanagh in NY Times:

MORE Pres Candidate Cavanagh in NY Times

"The ‘bad teacher’ narrative as a way of explaining what’s wrong with our school system gets really old,” says Ms. Cavanagh. “Our union has taken a stance that we will collaborate and compromise and that is shortsighted when the other side seems bent on destroying you." -- Julie Cavanagh in NY Times
Anything Michael Powell writes is worth reading, though one must pity his passion for the Mets (I didn't tell him Julie is a Phillies fan) and I think the Jets. Now I don't know if he knew Julie is running against Mulgrew and I also know that Julie tends to downplay putting herself front and center but what an interesting sidelight to this article that Julie as President along the Karen Lewis mode would be Bloomberg's and the ed deformers' worst nightmare.
City Room - Blogging From the Five BoroughsGotham ExtraJanuary 23, 2013, 6:43

Scorn for Unions Threatens Mayor’s Educational Legacy

Teachers Julie Cavanagh and Adam Stevens listen to the mayor pour boiling oil on their union, to his talk of imposing more tests and using the scores to draw a stringent measure of each teacher, and they wonder what world he inhabits.
Gotham Extra
Gotham Extra
Michael Powell on government and politics.

Ms. Cavanagh, 34, teaches at the highly rated Public School 15, in the working-class Brooklyn