Sunday, January 27, 2013

Ed Notes Online: Eva Violation: Using Parents of Success Chater Schools Funded With Public Money for Poliitcal Operation

Ed Notes Online: Eva Violation: Using Parents of Success Chater Schools Funded With Public Money for Poliitcal Operation:

Eva Violation: Using Parents of Success Chater Schools Funded With Public Money for Poliitcal Operation

The Success Charter outrages continue. It is time to call for an investigation of the use of schools to create a political operation. If they were private without feeding at the public trough, gey gezunt. But not with OUR money. Imagine if a public school principal organized parents to picket mayoral candidates and used school resources to do so. Of course they won't be picketing Christine Quinn I guess. And where is the UFT on this one?
Last week the teachers union and several mayoral candidates called for a halt on all co-locations.  As you know, we depend on underutilized space in public school buildings to educate your child.  As your children grow and their younger siblings start school, we are going to need more space.  Without co-location, we won't be able to get it.  

This opposition to co-location is not about doing what is best for children.  It is about trying to 

Jersey Jazzman and Fiorillo Blame Weingarten Over Impact of Newark Deal

In this post, Aftermath of the Newark Teachers Contract, JJ gives Randi the benefit of the doubt as negotiating the best contract she could. But he doesn't know Randi like we do here. Michael saved me the trouble of commenting as he points out why a certain segment of the UFT/AFT that we represent put the leadership squarely in the category of being on the other side of the fence -- that is when they are not straddling it as a way to try to convince the members they are on their side while the daily outrages against teachers pile up. Michael is of course just skimming the surface in this casual comment and doesn't even mention the role they played in the open support, lack of response to the charter invasion.

UFT Election Nuts and Bolts, Revised

The UFT election committee met this past week and even though these dates and numbers have to be officially ratified at the Feb. 4 UFT Executive Board meeting, it is expected that the official election campaign will begin with petitioning at the Feb. 6 Delegate Assembly when petitions will be available. On Feb. 7 they will be available in the borough offices. {if there are any changes I will update this post.}

The daunting task of petitioning forces anyone serious about running to join a slate. There are expected to be 3 slates: MORE, New Action and Unity.

Excuse the last post as the send button betrayed me.

Here are the crucial dates and deadlines:

Petitions available - Feb 6 at DA