Saturday, January 12, 2013

Ed Notes Online: Chicago TU: Social Justice Unionism IS Trade Unionism

Ed Notes Online: Chicago TU: Social Justice Unionism IS Trade Unionism:

Chicago TU: Social Justice Unionism IS Trade Unionism

A lot of times if you talk to other members about a teacher who is being targeted by the administration, they’ll say, “Oh, that’s one of the crazies.” We tried to have our members embrace disaffected teachers rather than isolate them.  ---
While parents liked the longer day, they also thought we should be compensated for it. They didn’t like the idea of forcing people to work longer without being paid for it. Parents are very clear about if you work, you get paid.
Karen Lewis
This is such a far cry from what the UFT does it is not in the same universe. Taking the fight to get parents to support teachers actually getting paid for more work. That IS social justice unionism. Compare that to the 2 year slog SEISUS teachers had to go through while the grievance wound its way. Did the UFT actually try to publicly make this point? How about using commercials to show teachers burning the midnight oil to do the work?

I've truly been surprised at the rejection by some anti-Unity Caucus people who should know better over MORE's adoption of the concept of social justice unionism, given that one of the major tenets of SJU is a member 

Hamburg, NY: A Union Where Teachers Can Vote, Overwhelmingly Reject Evaluation Plan

We got the news last night from our Hamburg teacher pal and Ed Notes follower Chris Cerrone (I hope to join Chris and other test resisters and other Save Our Schools activists at the Occupy DOE in Washington DC this April) that Hamburg teachers voted 217-82 against. No wonder the UFT/Unity leaders won't let teachers vote and I believe this will come back to haunt them. Maybe not in this election cycle but at some point in the future. But