Saturday, January 5, 2013

Daily Kos: I don't belong here

Daily Kos: I don't belong here:

I originally posted this on February 24, 2007.  For reasons not worth explaining, I had occasion to reread it this evening.  It still speaks very much to my condition, and since I had not posted anything else today, I thought it was worth sharing again.  You will decide whether I was right.
No, this is not a GBCW posting, let’s be clear about that.  And the title is not directed specifically at dailykos, although this site is included in its intent.  So if you reading this because you want to see how I am going to flame the site or the people here, or justify my taking my ball and going home, you can stop reading right now.
Similarly if what you expect is that I will now offer claims of moral or intellectual or spiritual superiority, and that my purpose is to offer that as a justification for those actions and words that seem to annoy others, you, too, are likely to be disappointed.  
I guess the only way you will PERHAPS understand the title is if you decide to keep reading.  And I offer no guarantees.
I was perhaps 12 years old when I first began to realize that I really didn’t "fit" anyplace.  In