Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Cut services, borrow money: Connecticut State Budget Day - Wait, What?

Cut services, borrow money: Connecticut State Budget Day - Wait, What?:

Cut services, borrow money: Connecticut State Budget Day

It is budget day in Connecticut, the day Governor Malloy goes before a joint session of the Connecticut General Assembly to present his proposed budget for the next two fiscal years.
A clear, concise snapshot of the “state of the state” can be seen through the CTNewsjunkie story that was posted late last night.
“Less than 24 hours before the state’s nonprofit community providers were to rally Wednesday morning to draw attention to an “already frayed safety net,” Gov. Dannel P. Malloy announced a new plan to help fund their efforts.
According to sources, Malloy plans to join them at the rally to announce plans to establish a new state bond pool specifically designated for nonprofit community-based providers. The $20 million pool is expected to enhance opportunities by allowing nonprofits