Thursday, January 10, 2013

Brandon Greene Launches New Project to Feature Student Journalism - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher

Brandon Greene Launches New Project to Feature Student Journalism - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher:

Brandon Greene Launches New Project to Feature Student Journalism

This week I learned of an exciting new project called Out the Mouths of Babes, with a focus on giving voice to those we talk so much about, but hear so little from. The following is an interview with the project's creator, a young man named Brandon Greene
What are the goals of your project?
The goals of the Out the Mouths of Babes are three-fold:
  1. to increase student voice in the education space,
  2. to develop a passion for creative expression and civic engagement,
  3. to give students a single hub where they can discuss and read news, opinions, reviews and other pieces by student journalists all around the country that directly correlate to their experience thus creating a pipeline of future journalists commentators, etc.

Why do you think student voices are important today?

I think that student voices are important because in the current education dialogue we often see discussions