Monday, December 24, 2012

We Need to Load Up on Mental Health Detection and Shoot for a Safer Society | toteachornototeach

We Need to Load Up on Mental Health Detection and Shoot for a Safer Society | toteachornototeach:

We Need to Load Up on Mental Health Detection and Shoot for a Safer Society

We Need to Load Up on Mental Health Detection and Shoot for a Safer Society 
by Fran Lasker
After the tragic and horrific consequences of yet another school massacre, it is crystal clear that we need to take immediate action to control the sale of guns, but this is only part of the solution. How about taking the long overdue action needed to evaluate mental illness and psychopathic proclivity and look at ways to upgrade the overall well being of students? Our immunity to the unsettling behavior of others enables us to overlook fellow human beings who are immensely troubled. This is a problem of epic proportions! Although there is no checklist for predicting a deranged killer, it is imperative that we pay more attention to those around us who concern us. It is difficult to assess the threat level of someone driving their car, walking down the street, or just passing us by,