Friday, December 28, 2012

This Is What Teachers Learning to Shoot Guns Look Like - National - The Atlantic Wire

This Is What Teachers Learning to Shoot Guns Look Like - National - The Atlantic Wire:

This Is What Teachers Learning to Shoot Guns Look Like

In Utah, nearly 200 teachers came out to receive free firearm training. In Ohio, a pilot program to teach teachers how to use guns is at capacity. And in Arizona, the attorney general has outlined plan to arm school principals as the less "extreme" option. Even before new legislation is considered on the state or federal level in the wake of the Newtown school shooting, educators across the country are learning how to shoot — for real, and right now.
The National Rifle Association's plan to put armed guards in every school is one thing. Pundit suggestions to"gang rush mass shooters" and look for "huskier 12-year-old boys" are another story altogether. But when gun activists who say armed teachers can make a difference are luring hundreds of willing participants to an indoor sports complex, as Reuters reports they did late Thursday, well, you can start to see why a majority of people in this country still view the NRA favorably.
The apparent post-Newtown craze for gun-rights activists to transform teachers into gun-class students has arrived despite the fact that no armed civilian has killed a mass shooter in the past three decades. "Not one of 62