The in box. Who are you?
Mark Stefanik is veteran middle school Language Arts teacher. He is a member of the IEA and the Park Ridge Education Association.
The in box. An important note to both current and retired teachers about cash balance retirement plans.
Who Are You?
I’m no lawyer…BUT…
Why aren’t we pursuing criminal charges for politicians who voted for ‘payment holidays’? Even that source of toxic emission, Ty Fahner, has admitted that laws were broken. Why aren’t we giving the boys and girls in Springfield something to think about if they vote for this latest reform abomination? Forget votes; give them criminal charges for breaking state laws to consider. Before we get to the Constitutional Showdown, can’t we explore malfeasance and misappropriation of public funds for the failure to fund the pensions with tax budgeted dollars designated for them?
Let’s give them a little skin in the game.
I’m no public relations expert…BUT…
Anyone with a mortgage
The in box. An important note to both current and retired teachers about cash balance retirement plans.
Glen Brown:
If you are currently teaching, and it comes to pass that a Cash Balance Plan is in place (with a choice which is doubtful), understand the financial consequences when you retire: a smaller annuity; if you are already retired, understand the effects that the Cash Balance Plan will inevitably have on your pension: the necessary revenue to guarantee it.
…What would be essential for state employees before choosing a hybrid pension plan [or Cash Balance Plan] is relevant and clear information (full disclosure) regarding its cost and consequences. As stated, there is an incomplete guarantee with a hybrid plan. [However, Cash Balance Plans will guarantee an annuity, but it will not be as much as your current Defined-Benefit Plan]…
Hybrid pension plans are as effective as the competence of their trustees and the regulation and complex