Wednesday, December 26, 2012

UPDATE: The in box. Pension forum in Aurora. Nekritz to answer questions. « Fred Klonsky

The in box. Pension forum in Aurora. Nekritz to answer questions. « Fred Klonsky:

Tim Furman’s got a question for Representative Kelly Cassidy. A “progressive Democrat” who sponsors pension killing bills.

Blogger and teacher Tim Furman has a question for his state rep:
Hi Kelly, 
I hope you’re well.  
I’m writing to ask if you could provide, or if you could ask TRS to provide, a few sample scenarios for how a retirement would look for employees hired the under the cash balance plan with a comparison of how that same employee’s retirement would look under Tier I and Tier II. 
During the debate around SB512 in 2011, Daniel Biss asked a similar question to Leader Cross, Speaker Madigan, and Ty Fahner’s two pension consultants — he asked about how a pension system member’s benefits would be calculated if they spent part of their career in Tier I and another part in Tier II. The consultants not only couldn’t answer it, but it was clear they had never even thought about it from pension system member’s point of view.  
It was a fair question. 
So is mine. It appears to me that you are proposing that all future members of TRS and SURS 

The in box. Pension forum in Aurora. Nekritz to answer questions.

I’ve been asked to be on the panel at this event. Join us.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
  • 6:30pm until 8:30pm
  • 500 N Tomcat Ln., Aurora, IL 60505
The January veto session in Springfield will likely feature a vote on the topic of “pension reform.” Prior to traveling to Springfield Representative, Linda Chapa LaVia has agreed to co-host an event with Northern Illinois Jobs with Justice in Aurora on the evening of Jan 2nd. Representative Elaine Nekritz, the sponsor of HB 6258 will be on hand to answer questions and hopefully take our suggestions for pension funding solutions. Join us in the Aurora East High School Auditorium (enter through door #5) 500 Tomcat Ln., Aurora

Tony at the Red Line Tap.

“Season’s greetings,” Marty. “Got anything special for the holiday?”
“It just so happens I got hold of a couple of bottles of black market Westvleteren 12. And I have been keeping one room temperature just for you, Klonsky.”
“That’s great, Marty,” I said.
Tony looked up. “What about me?”
“You’ll drink any crap, Tony. I’m not wasting my good stuff