Monday, December 3, 2012

The in box. The IEA and Papa John’s crappy pizza. « Fred Klonsky

The in box. The IEA and Papa John’s crappy pizza. « Fred Klonsky:

The in box. The IEA and Papa John’s crappy pizza.

When IEA member Neil Parthun wrote to IEA Director of Communications about their promotion of Papa John’s Pizza, which is owned by anti-union money bags John Schnatter, he received the following reply.
“Thank you for your email.

We are well aware of the political comments of the owner of Papa John’s. Obviously, his comments not only conflict greatly with IEA’s view of the world, they are well outside the political mainstream.

The promotions for Papa John’s are coming through a vendor called Access, with whom IEA has a contract. For more than a decade, Access has connected IEA and NEA members with discounts from thousands of businesses nationwide.

Among those thousands of merchants is Papa John’s.

Access has always done a very good job for IEA members and the members have told us they