Saturday, December 8, 2012

The in box. Getting the word out about Springfield rally. « Fred Klonsky

The in box. Getting the word out about Springfield rally. « Fred Klonsky:

The in box. Getting the word out about Springfield rally.

All IEA Retired Members served by the IEA Skokie Office will be receiving postcards early next week – please see attached.  Please call the Skokie Office (847-329-7756) to reserve a spot on the bus, and invite family, friends, former colleagues, etc.  IEA membership is not required – the bus, donuts/coffee, and lunch are donated by the IEA for all attendees.
 Also attached is information from Fred Klonsky’s Blog <> that supplies more details about the bus.  It should be a great day with lots of camaraderie.  Please join us!!!
Skokie IEA-Retired Member:  The first rallies in support of pension preservation for 2013 will take place on Thursday, Jan. 3 at the Statehouse in Springfield. 
Demonstrate to the legislators that the voters back home care enough about this issue to come to Springfield and let their voices be heard!We need you to express your interest in preserving your pension!  Reserve a seat on the bus. Contact Pat or Linda at the Skokie Office:                or or call
(847-329-7756). Call or e-mail before Dec. 18th to reserve your seat.
· IEA members are encouraged to wear blue. We are looking into providing IEA T-shirts to attendees.  
Save the date, Jan. 3,  and check the IEA website regularly for updates. A bus will be leaving the Golf Mill Shopping Center for Springfield on Jan. 3rd.
Make sure that IEA-Retired has your home email address so we can quickly alert you to new developments.
More information will follow in January regarding a meeting for IEA-Retired members in the Skokie area!       
I hope this information is helpful, and I thank you again for helping us spread the word in your area!
Kim Riley
IEA-Retired Program Paraprofessional
Bloomington IEA Office