Monday, December 3, 2012

Schools Matter: Jeb Bush and Randy Best Team to Promote College Caste System

Schools Matter: Jeb Bush and Randy Best Team to Promote College Caste System:

Jeb Bush and Randy Best Team to Promote College Caste System

Randy Best and the Bush Family have a long and profitable history to celebrate during this Holiday Season.  Best has been a longtime supporter of the Bush political dynasty in Texas, and the Bushes have been generous in sharing insider knowledge with Randy on education initiatives that Best then exploited to get fabulously wealthy.  In turn, Best became a Bush Pioneer (the $100,000 Club), connections became even more solidified, and today Randy appears poised to become Jeb Bush's enabler in the rush to push college for the non-privileged online.   

In an extravagant display of chutzpah yesterday, Bush and Best published an op-ed in Bloomberg immodestly entitled, "Online Classes Mean No Dorm, Gym, or Debt."  On full display is the thinking of the 21st Century efficiency zealots aimed to do less for more, while protecting the privileges of those who already have them.  Randy and Jeb would push all the students who must work or