Friday, December 21, 2012

Schooling in the Ownership Society: Byrd-Bennet's "independent" panel on school closings

Schooling in the Ownership Society: Byrd-Bennet's "independent" panel on school closings:

Byrd-Bennet's "independent" panel on school closings

The news keeps getting worse for Byrd-Bennett's "independent" commission of school closings. First, the Tribune gets hold of a secret CPS document revealing a list of targeted schools in black and Latino communities slated for closing and/or charter-izing. But if the list is already in play, than what's the point of Frank Clark's panel and all the phony public hearings?

Then comes the revelation of Commission head, Clark's contract with the Civic Consulting Alliance.
The Civic Consulting Alliance and New Schools for Chicago share a suite on the 43rd floor of the Chase Building. They also share some board members. Phyllis Lockett, the founding president