Tuesday, December 4, 2012

UPDATE: School Tech Connect: An Intelligent Conversation and I'm In

School Tech Connect: I'm In:

An Intelligent Conversation

I'm not in the CTU, but it is striking to me how many really, really dynamic people have come together to lead that organization. This video is up on the CTU site; it's a charter vs. traditional school debate, and it's pretty good. I'm running it because Jackson Potter is amazing.

The whole CTU Board is amazing. This during a time when the president of the AFT is running around calling for a bar exam for teachers.


I'm in this conversation all the time, and I think I'll simply refer people to the above video in the future. I'm just glad I've worked in a place where parents all send their kids to the community high school--- the kids who will go to MIT as well as the kids in deep trouble; kids of every race, color, and creed, all in one building, which has 

I'm In

I've been off the pension beat for a while, but there's no way I'm missing  this We Are One event in Springfield. In a better world, we'd all be like Wisconsin, and tens of thousands of people would descend on the capitol.

But we're Illinois. People will drive around the parking lot at Woodfield Mall all week before they do something to fight for their future.

Still, one can hope. The clarion whisper of the state's teachers' unions might eventually get picked up on ham radio. Word could spread...

There's no way I'm missing it---- the coerced choice legislation that they're going to be regurgitating is such obvious bullshit. If they thought they could come after the COLAs, they'd just do it. But no, they're framing it as a "choice" like everyone's a moron.

It makes me ill. The constitution is too important. You remember the convoluted amendment that failed? You know what would have passed? A graduated income tax amendment.

I'll have my cameras. Let's get some people on film telling their stories.

January 3 and 4.