Sunday, December 23, 2012

RSD announces latest management changes; moves toward all-charter system |

RSD announces latest management changes; moves toward all-charter system |

RSD announces latest management changes; moves toward all-charter system

Charter Schools - Dividing Communities since 1991

New Orleans' Recovery School District will become a nearly 100 percent charter system in the 2013-2014 academic year, with the district running only five or six schools directly, down from 12 this year, Superintendent Patrick Dobard announced Thursday. Among the changes: three schools will close; three will become charters; one will merge with an existing charter; and three will continue to be phased out grade-by-grade.
Slated to close at the end of next June are Abramson Elementary in eastern New Orleans, Murray Henderson Elementary in Algiers and James Weldon Johnson Elementary in Carrollton.
Three additional direct-run schools will become charters: Mary D. Coghill Elementary in Gentilly, Paul B. Habans Elementary on the West Bank and H. C. Schaumburg Elementary in eastern