Tuesday, December 11, 2012

PSAT for 12-11-12: Make merry! Watch and share new CTU cartoon satire of corporate reformers Parents United for Responsible Education

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PSAT for 12-11-12: Make merry! Watch and share new CTU cartoon satire of corporate reformers

The Chicago Teachers’ Union has done it again! They have gifted us yet another sharp tool for our public school support kit. This time it’s a spot-on satirical cartoonskewering on Chicago’s corporate reformers. Dangling at the end of the lampoon are some of PURE’s favorite goofballs: Penny PritzkerBruce Rauner, Robin SteansStand for Children, and, of course, Mr Secret Sauce himself, Mayor Emanuel.
Rauner isn’t taking it well (fat cats hate to be made fun of). Fuming to the Sun-Times, Rauner said, “To be lectured by a leader of a failed union who protects a failed school system would be laughable if it were not so sad. These union leaders are a joke, just not a funny one.”
CPS called the video “mean-spirited.” OK, more mean-spirited than closing schools and sending students to worse alternatives? Not tracking these students as promised? Flunking students based on one test score when