Thursday, December 6, 2012

UPDATE: Pensions, Rhode Island and get your butt to Springfield. « Fred Klonsky

Pensions, Rhode Island and get your butt to Springfield. « Fred Klonsky:

Pensions, Rhode Island and get your butt to Springfield.


Once again, Glen does a great job of giving us the facts about the Nekritz bill and the other threats to our pensions.
And John explains Cash Balance Plans.
If these two guys didn’t already exist, I would have to create them in my basement laboratory. When there are these two bloggers at your disposal, nobody has an excuse for not understanding what is happening to our pensions in the Bizarro World of Illinois politics.
Then there is Rhode Island.
There is this from the New York Times yesterday.

Rhode Island, the site of a sweeping pension overhaul last year, has brought in a prominent New York lawyer to litigate the question: David Boies, perhaps best 

Ten minute drawing. From the US Senate to the Stupid Hall of Fame. A short trip.


Click on drawing to enlarge.