Sunday, December 30, 2012

Oregon Save Our Schools: Education Reform (Real VS. Phony) and How Upcoming Events Will Help You Distinguish the Difference

Oregon Save Our Schools: Education Reform (Real VS. Phony) and How Upcoming Events Will Help You Distinguish the Difference:

Education Reform (Real VS. Phony) and How Upcoming Events Will Help You Distinguish the Difference

Many of us involved in Oregon SOS are thrilled about a number of experiences this January that will help to create what we hope is a larger dialogue on the subject of public education reform. (With our personal interest being that this moves more people to press for and create reforms that are GOOD for students and learning.) Please mark the dates/times below and make sure to attend!

Oregonian Susan Mach, a teacher at Clackamas Community College, a parent of a Portland Public School student and now an award-winning playwright, has two plays opening at the same time in January, both professionally produced by theater companies in Portland. The original Oregon SOS folks met Sue at our first organizing meeting at the end of August 2011 and she mentioned something about writing a play on education reform, so it has been great to see how this has developed into the play that many are now talking about: A Noble Failure.  (If you want to catch her other play, which also sounds fantastic (not about education reform) you can read about it here.) Many of us saw A Noble Failure when it was in its reading stage, and we were struck