Saturday, December 15, 2012

Oh no, we don’t talk about that! now shhh…. « Cooperative Catalyst

Oh no, we don’t talk about that! now shhh…. « Cooperative Catalyst:

Oh no, we don’t talk about that! now shhh….

Over the past few years, public discussion, and outrage over the blatant patterns of ethical and immoral misconduct in our nation’s schools have seemingly went untouched by some of the blogospheres most relevant education bloggers. From teenage girls being forced out of school because of unwed pregnancies, to Gay, Trans, and Lesbian students being openly humiliated, to schools (charter, public, and voucher) using evasive tactics to control populations of students of color. The list of unjust atrocities goes on but the message is clear, and yet when these occurrences arise the blogosphere is quiet or whispering about them, and when someone does raise the topic, its following discussion is usually absent.
If anyone is going to fix education and if anyone is going to save education from the campaign to transform it into a private industry that will become synonymous with the incarceration industry then we must not remain too