Thursday, December 27, 2012

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: T-Party's version of gun-control

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: T-Party's version of gun-control:

T-Party's version of gun-control

Aistov Alexey/ShutterStock
In case you were thinking that we ought to be more like the Tea Party...

Here's the way the tea-baggers handle policy debates within their D.C. group called FreedomWorks.

WaPo reports: 
Richard K. Armey, the group’s chairman and a former House majority leader, walked into the group’s Capitol Hill offices with his wife, Susan, and an aide holstering a handgun at his waist. The aim was to seize control of the group and expel Armey’s enemies: The gun-wielding assistant [later identified as former Capitol Hill cop, Beau Singleton -- M.K.]  escorted FreedomWorks’ top two employees off the premises, while Armey suspended several others who broke down in sobs at the