Monday, December 3, 2012

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Sun-Times editorial board is muddled and confused

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Sun-Times editorial board is muddled and confused:

Sun-Times editorial board is muddled and confused

The Sun-Times editorial board is lost. On days like this they don't whether to crap or play hockey. Today's editorial, "Build on successes of charter schools", tries to dismiss the CTU's excellent report on charter schools but ends up validating most of it.

On the one hand, they wish it would go away: 
It is easy to dismiss the Chicago Teachers Union’s latest assault against charter schools in Chicago... It is hard to take the CTU’s analysis seriously, given their clear bias and their hyperbolic and conspiratorial language.
But they can't help but admit:
But the CTU report has value. It’s a starting