Thursday, December 27, 2012

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Really, Gallup Poll?

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Really, Gallup Poll?:

Really, Gallup Poll?

The latest Gallup Poll shows 54% of Americans supporting the NRA. But remember, these are the same guys who polled Romney winning the presidential election 51% to Obama's 46%. I think they must just poll the same people over and over again, ending up with the same result.

Environmentalists I know were really looking forward to Obama's second term. This was supposed to be the four years, free from re-election pressures, that he and his EPA chief Lisa Jackson were going to sock it to 'em  on climate change policies. But now that Jackson, the last of the first-term progressives, has announced her resignation, these same folks are wondering whether she was thrown under the bus or just became so