Saturday, December 8, 2012

Joel Klein’s Edu-Cojones | EduShyster

Joel Klein’s Edu-Cojones | EduShyster:

Joel Klein’s Edu-Cojones

Today we raise our collective wine boxes to a man who has the biggest, boldest edu-cojones in the business. Reader: meet Joel Klein, former NYC schools Chancellor turned edu-preneur—and most definitely turning a profit. When last we encountered Mr. Klein he’d just finished sounding the alarm bell about the greatest national security threat our country faces: our union-stifled public schools. But there is good news, reader. Joel Klein has now figured out the solution to the national security threat of our time—and it turns out to be the very edu-product that Klein himself is peddling.
You see, Mr. Klein heads up a company called Amplify, a division of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp., which aims to “disrupt” the K-12 education market by selling a bazillion open source tablet computers to school districts around the country. But how can our cash-strapped schools afford to spend the $17 billion of the $700 billion