Saturday, December 15, 2012

Ed Notes Online: Reform UFT Dues, Hold UFT Leaders Accountable

Ed Notes Online: Reform UFT Dues, Hold UFT Leaders Accountable:

Reform UFT Dues, Hold UFT Leaders Accountable

There are 3500 agency fee UFT members, people who refuse to join the union but must pay dues since NY State is not a right to work state.
That's a surprising number of people willing to give up basic union rights. Imagine if NY were a right to work state.  If you think the right wing won't be coming to NY State at some point pushing right to work laws after their victory in Michigan you are not living in the real world. I know that we will probably not see a Republican legislature but they will probably focus on just the teacher union and might get some good play. Think of appeal to newer teachers of right to work laws when they have to pay the same dues as people making double what they are. Can't you just see the astro turf groups like E4E jumping on that bandwagon?

I'm heading off to the MORE meeting where the basic platform will be addressed and most likely ratified. Last 

Video: MORE's Brian Jones, Diana Zavala on Panel with Tweed's Shael Polokaw-Suransky and Pedro Noguera

Below is the raw video of Change the Stakes at Monday's Forum moderated by Juan Gonzalez. There was no press coverage. See MORE's Brian Jones challenge the Deputy Chancellor on a number of grounds. Excuse the 

Find out what all the excitement is about: MORE General Meeting, Saturday, Dec. 15

December 15th,
224 w 29th St.
betw 7/8ave
14th floor
We will focus on fight back against school closings and charter colocations and projecting our caucus as THE social justice caucus of the UFT, as well as approving parts of our platform and slate for the spring elections.

Join us!

Read more about the threatened closings of neighborhood schools and Gary Rubinstein's analysis of the meaningless of school progress reports.

Read how the Unity caucus voted against democracy at Wednesday's DA, rejecting a proposal to allow members to approve the impending test-based evaluation system..
You can still sign the petition calling for a democratic vote on the deal.


 Winter Retreat - En pie de la lucha

Building strong chapters, Building a strong union:
a bottom-up social-justice approach 

Friday, Dec. 28th
180 LaSalle