Friday, December 21, 2012

Daily Kos: Already a school with teachers with guns

Daily Kos: Already a school with teachers with guns:

Already a school with teachers with guns

in Harrold TX, as reported in this piece from the National School Board Association, there are already teachers and other employees concealed carrying at the community's sole school.   The rationalization is as follows:
According to the Associated Press (AP) as reported in the Times-Picayune, in the community’s lone school in Harrold, Texas, some of the teachers are carrying concealed weapons. In remote Harrold, the nearest sheriff’s office is 30 minutes away, and people tend to know – and trust – one another. So the school board voted to let teachers bring guns to school.“We don’t have money for a security guard, but this is a better solution,” Superintendent David Thweatt said. “A shooter could take out a guard or officer with a visible, holstered weapon, but our teachers have master’s degrees, are older and have had extensive training. And their guns are hidden. We can protect our children.”
Here's my concern:  even with extensive firearms training, one has not been trained for firing while being fired at.  As part of a political leadership program we got to experience part of the training Virginia State Police go through, computerized simulations.  How easy it is even without someone firing at you to make mistakes.  One can easily get tunnel vision as does a quarterback locked on a receiver who does not see the safety who will