Saturday, December 22, 2012

Campbell Brown's Despicable Newtown Rant

Campbell Brown's Despicable Newtown Rant:

Campbell Brown's Despicable Newtown Rant

newtownFormer CNN/NBC anchor Campbell Brown demonstrates that "both sides do it" false balance is not just a problem with campaign journalism.  In a new post at the Daily Beast(12/21/12),  she explained that most reactions to the Newtown massacre have been touching and inspiring. But, she writes,
there have also been very unfortunate, even callous and disgusting, statements made by individuals who cannot help but use a slaughter of more than two dozen people, most of whom are children, to advance their ideology.
We see it on both sides.

Oh, here we go.
On the right, the examples are obvious: Brown mentions James Dobson linking the shooting to same-sex marriage and abortion, while Mike Huckabee pointed