Friday, December 7, 2012

America’s next education ‘crisis’ — and who benefits

America’s next education ‘crisis’ — and who benefits:

America’s next education ‘crisis’ — and who benefits

American public education seems to hurtle from one so-called crisis to the next. What’s the next one? Jeff Bryant, a marketing and communications consultant for nonprofits, explains. He is a marketing and creative strategist with nearly 30 years of experience – the past 20 on his own – as a freelance writer, consultant, and search engine marketing provider. He’s written extensively about public education policy. This appeared on theCampaign for America’s Future website.
By Jeff Bryant
“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste,” has become a popular mantra of the ruling class. Of course, these are not the people who usually experience the brunt of a crisis.
But a pervasive narrative in the mainstream media is that Americans are a people beset by near-continuous crisis, whether it’s the fake crisis of a looming “fiscal cliff” or a real crisis like Frankenstorm Sandy that still has many Northeasterners inexplicably living in the dar