Monday, November 26, 2012

Wyoming Proves that Common Core is a Federal-Led Initiative | Truth in American Education

Wyoming Proves that Common Core is a Federal-Led Initiative | Truth in American Education:

Wyoming Proves that Common Core is a Federal-Led Initiative

Common Core State Standards advocates typically make an argument that the development of the Common Core was state-led since it came out of the National Governors Association and Council for Chief State School Officers.  They seem to neglect the fact that these are trade organizations not states and that state legislatures were bypassed as different state departments of education or state school boards said yes to the Common Core. 
Can we now agree that the Common Core has been at least federalized?  Case in point – Wyoming.
A recent report on the Wyoming Department of Education’s work on a statewide educational accountability system noted delays and lack of compliance in preparing state assessment tests.
The department has been slow to complete contracts and work to align existing state