Tuesday, November 20, 2012

What’s the Matter With Kids Today? | toteachornototeach

What’s the Matter With Kids Today? | toteachornototeach:

What’s the Matter With Kids Today?

What’s the Matter With Kids Today?
by Evan Shapiro

There is a perception among many in my cohort and among my elders that the generation currently coming of age — aka Millennials — are an entitled bunch of slacker know-it-alls who expect to get medals for just showing up. For numerous GenXers and Boomers, this disdain goes beyond stereotype and into specific, vehement bias against the entire generation.
Many of my friends in the media industry, whose staff and customer bases are comprised of large percentages of Millennials, cannot contain or conceal their utter contempt for what they see as a universal presumptuousness among the 20-30 years olds with whom they are forced to deal. It’s not unusual to hear things like “Even the nice