Friday, November 16, 2012

UL officials blast charter schools - | News, Sports, Jobs and Community Info for Belmont County - Times Leader

UL officials blast charter schools - | News, Sports, Jobs and Community Info for Belmont County - Times Leader:

UL officials blast charter schools

November 16, 2012
GLYNIS VALENTI - Staff Writer Times Leader

Charter Schools - Dividing Communities since 1991

BELMONT-"The return on investment is not working," says Union Local Superintendent H. Kirk Glasgow. He and school board member Terry Puperi presented information on the charter school system and its effect on public education financing.
According to a press release from the Coalition of Rural and Appalachian Schools (CORAS) charter schools are "siphoning" more than twice the state aid that public schools receive from tax dollars. The total allocation by the Ohio Legislature to "promote charter schools at the expense of public schools" is $777 million. Glasgow's point was that the state's push toward privatization and funneling taxpayer money into that push has produced less